A brand is a "Name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers." Just by looking at the following ads you know what they sell just by looking at their brands logo.
All the Safeways in Melbourne have gone through a major brand change into the 'Woolies' name. But just because the name changed doesn't mean the service has. They still have their "fresh food people" slogan which they had in the past. Also the new Logo of the W representing Woolworths looks like a green apple which also represents freshness.
Trade Press Article
Woolworths has fired off the latest salvo in the 'freshness' war with rival retailer Coles, as it launched a refund and replace campaign.The ad follows up on the traditional positioning of the supermarket as the "fresh food people," by claiming that "we've always been obsessed with fresh food. Now, we guarantee it".It has launched the campaign with a 'Fresh or Free Guarantee', taking pages in newspapers over the weekend and spots on TV.According to the ads, the retailer is now offering to refund and replace any fresh food "you're not happy with."The development is the latest foray in an increasingly bitter rivalry between the two retailers, which have bloodied one another with massive price cuts on home brand staples like milk and bread, drawing the ire of other suppliers.Earlier in the year, Coles attempted to challenge the Woolies positioning with its own "No Freshness like Coles Freshness" TV commercial, launched with popular chef Curtis Stone.
Journal Article
http://www.emeraldinsight.com.ezproxy.lib.swin.edu.au/journals.htm?articleid=1665094&show=abstract John Murphy. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 1988, Vol.6(4), p.4-8 [Peer Reviewed Journal]
As stated in the trade press article Woolworth's is trying to position its brand better by guaranteeing their customers that they can get their money back. Coles and Woolworths have always been head to head with each other during campaigns. Cole brought the Down down prices are down campaign with those red super size hands so Woolies brought green boxing gloves. As stated in the journal article it is very important to differentiate your brand from the rest. When you see Coles logo you think red, words, food. When you see the new woolies logo you think green, fruit,fresh, food which goes to show who will win in the fresh food campaign due to smart creative branding.
Woolworths are also maintaining the brands values as it did when it was Safeway. As stated before their "The fresh food people" slogan has been consistent throughout the years and seems to be appealing to customers to want more quality fresh food.
The branding of Woolworths is also important as if it is appealing like it says in the journal article, consumers will keep purchasing from the store and they will become valuable assets. Even if competitors like Coles have a pricing strategy if Woolworths keeps up its brands position it could have the marketing advantage.
To make a change to make the company succeed doesn't mean you have to consistent change the brand. The other brand ads for Coke, Chanel & Nike have all had their brand logos for many years and have grown to success to become recognised worldwide.
To make a change to make the company succeed doesn't mean you have to consistent change the brand. The other brand ads for Coke, Chanel & Nike have all had their brand logos for many years and have grown to success to become recognised worldwide.
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